When and Why You Should Use Sandwich PUF Panel

When and Why You Should Use Sandwich PUF Panel
Are you planning to construct cold storage or a refrigeration system or an insulated hall? Then PUF( Polyurethane Foam) sandwich panel is the one-stop solution and the answer to your search. What is PUF? Polyurethane foam is sandwiched between two outer sheets and is therefore known as PUF Sandwich panels. PUF insulation can be cut into any shape or size using an ordinary knife or saw.

Why Use Sandwich PUF Panel?


These panels are the most effective way to maintain the energy efficiency of the building. Insulated PUF panel building keeps the building cool in summer and warm in winters. As a result PUF panel saves up to 40 – 50 % of heating and cooling cost. They are not only energy-efficient but also are sturdy with a high fire-resistance rating.

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Let us have a look at some of the benefits of Sandwich PUF panel.

Long life

Sandwich PUF Panels have average working life of 25 years. PUF insulation is easy to cut into any shape or size using an ordinary knife or saw.

Easy to transport

The lightweight of these panels makes it very easy to transport. Which in turns reduces the transport cost also. The transportation costs for delivery of a square meter of one Sandwich Panels wall is 50 times cheaper than a delivery of bricks or concrete.

Fast Installation

Sandwich PUF Panels are rapidly installed. It is achieved because of its lightweight and due to their design features, such as complete factory-assembled. 

Highly Hygienic

These panels are highly hygienic also, they meet all sanitary and environmental standards. These panels are highly resistant to fungus or mold. We hope this article has fully equipped you with all the required information you need to choose Sandwich PUF panel for your constructions. And if you are all set, then you should check out our
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