Sandwich Puf Panel elements have become essential in the construction industry. They are used alongside traditional building materials such as wood, steel, and concrete and have become the first choice material for the realization of various buildings such as production halls, airports, exhibition halls, cold rooms, plants, agricultural buildings, and many others. The reasons for this trend are to be found in their excellent properties as insulating elements. Architects select these multilayer panels for many reasons, including their design potential and aesthetic, and their static and acoustic properties – Sandwich Puf Panel
Advantages of Puf Sandwich Panel
- Can withstand wind velocity up to Maximum Level.
- Can withstand heavy snowfall/rainfall.
- It can withstand extreme temperature from -50 degree Celsius to +120 degree Celsius.
- PUF having a thermal conductivity of 0.018 kCal prevents cross heat flow between room & outside ambiance.
- The shelter can be installed at any place in less than a day.
- These shelters are called the mobile shelter as they can be moved from one place to another.
- These shelters are very light in weight, compact and have high structural strength thereby making it possible to create suitable size.
- No air or water can penetrate through the panels of the shelter.
- Mobility and Efficiency: Sandwich Panel is the only material that allows disassembling the construction and erecting it somewhere else.
- Erection Promptness: High-speed erection is achieved due to the light weight of panels, as well as due to their design features, such as complete factory-assembled.
- Construction Lightness: Lightweight of Sandwich Panels affects the reduction of costs for equipping the basement; there is no need for heavy lifting equipment.
- Hygiene: Sandwich Panels meet the sanitary and environmental standards, including standards of housing construction; another property is excellent sound insulation.
- Long Working Life: The working life of Sandwich Panels on average is about 20 years.